jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Acid attack model Katie Piper gets sight back. By Pablo de Rojas 1º B

A model who was left blind in one eye after acid was thrown in her face has told of her joy after having her sight restored using stem cell treatment.

Katie Piper, of Andover, Hampshire, suffered third degree burns when a former boyfriend arranged for acid to be thrown in her face.
She lost sight in one eye but doctors at the Queen Victoria Hospital, in East Grinstead, restored it.
She said prior to her operation her sight was like "being underwater". But doctors held out little hope of her sight being restored after the acid burned into her cornea and left a scar across it.
However, experts took tissue from an anonymous donor, grew it and then stitched it into her damaged eye.


I really feel it's a big step in surgery, is a way of showing the society that almost everything is going to be possible speaking about human surgery thanks to steam cells. 
This operation is a call of hope for all those people who lost their eyesight because of an accident thanks to steam cells surgeons will be up to operate on almost any case.
That is the reason why there should be more investigations on stem cells as to get to know more details and uses of this peculiar and important organism.

Consiguen 'reeducar' el sistema inmune de los diabéticos utilizando células madre

By Paula Jiménez 1º C

-Los linfocitos de la persona con diabetes tipo 1 se pasan a las células madre del cordón umbilical del donante sano.
-Unas horas después, los linfocitos 'reeducados' vuelven al paciente.
-Lograron aumentar el porcentaje de linfocitos que regulan la sangre.

La diabetes tipo 1 se da sobre todo en niños, adolescentes o jóvenes. Sin duda es una pena que este tipo de personas que tienen todo por disfrutar, tengan que estar pendientes de inyectarse insulina diariamente para controlar esta enfermedad que no les permite llevar una vida totalmente normal. Este método, desarrollado en una universidad de Illinois (EEUU) provoca un cambio en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad, y aunque no es una cura definitiva, disminuye las inyecciones de glucosa diarias y puede llevar a la cura definitiva.